
Price incl. VAT book (2.6%) CHF0.30
Product Details
Shirana Shahbazi

Dimension: 210 × 210 mm
Pages: 20
Printing: offset (spot)
Binding: one (1) saddle stich
Paper types: 2

On the occasion of the exhibition “On Photography – New Perspectives” at Edition VFO (Institution for the promotion of printmaking in contemporary art), Shirana Shahbazi presents three new lithographs on a wall-filling wallpaper. This wallpaper was created in close collaboration between the artist and Norm. The starting point is two printing forms, the first form is full-surface, the second form is divided in half vertically. The two shapes are printed in two colors, resulting in nine combinations

  1. C1 : full
  2. C2 : full
  3. C1 : full / C2 : full
  4. C1 : full / C2 : half
  5. C1 : full / C2 : half / 180°
  6. C2 : full / C1 : half
  7. C2 : full / C1 : half / 180°
  8. C1 : half / C2 : half
  9. C1 : half / C2 : half / 180°

The booklet is an installation guide. The content is structured as follows:

  1. Berlin I / II
  2. Berlin III
  3. Plates
  4. Wallpapers 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
  5. Various Combinations 1 × 2
  6. Various Combinations 2 × 2
  7. Various Combinations 2 × 3
  8. VFO Zurich Installation
  9. Wallpaper 1 × 2
  10. Wallpaper 2 × 2
  11. Wallpaper 3 × 2
  12. Hanging Instructions

for more information on VFO

Shirana Shahbazi
Druckerei Wolfensberger
Edition VFO Verein für Originalgrafik

Set in LL Riforma Light